I've been lurking on Fakku for quite a number of years now, and last night I decided I would finally get around to using my account to actually add my favorite manga/doujinshi to my favorites so I dont have to remember the titles and tags and whatnot and search so long for them.
So, I spent the last maybe 2-3 hours searching and browsing through all of my favorite artists and tags and series and adding more and more of my favorite manga/doujinshi to my favorites list, and when I go to check to see how much I have, it only shows the last 10, and no other pages! Seriously, I have the "achievement" for adding over 100 to my favorites, and yet it only shows 10 of my most recently added ones, and it says "Page 1 of 1".
Please, can someone tell me if this is just a bug? Or that maybe the server is trying to catch up with my quick adding and it'll update within a day or so? I don't mind if that's the case. I just dont want to have wasted hours of browsing and remembering. I found some nice hidden gems I had forgotten about previously. :(