I am pleased to announce that the
forum search has been completely reworked and improved!
You can now search for posts accurately, search for posts in a specific forum, search for posts made by a specific user, and search with basic boolean expressions. This upgrade is long overdue and now that there are
almost 3 million posts on the forums, finding what you're looking for should be a lot easier. There may be some hiccups now that it's live, so if you run into any issues with results not being what you expected
send me a message and explain what happened.
[spacer=4]touhou +mediafire -dicks
[spacer=4]yaoi in user uploads
[spacer=4]topics made by jacob that include hentai
Head over to the forums and try it for yourself! And while you're there, make some posts and get to know some new people. FAKKU is one of the best communities I have ever been a part of and I love it. And for those of you who only want your porn, here you go!