NOTE: This is Raze speaking, NOT me.
Let me first begin by saying that I'm now a year older. Looking back, the me last year did not know an ounce of Japanese, and despised anime, manga, and especially, hentai. I was an avid, too-cool-for-his-own-good party boy who missed out on the joys of Japan. Ironic that just a year later, my Japanese has grown to almost first-language level, I'm one of your admins and, along with
Nikon, lead a translation group full of
amazing and talented people (all under top secrecy of course).
It's unfortunate that I couldn't go to
Anime Boston due to a piano competition I just had (and all the work). Only the weekend left before Spring Break ends to catch up on all the work now, but
Jacob has been sending me images from the convention every half an hour or so. He told me that people have been walking up to him and saying
FAKKU is one of the most amazing things ever and that you guys love our updates, and knowing this really, really made my day.
EDIT: No, no edit wars this time.
Yes, I really did pick up my Japanese in less than a year. "How?" many of you ask. Because I'm sick and tired of typing the same thing over and over again, I'll just put it
here on the main page for all to see.
And what better way to celebrate than to give you guys
a new FAKKU release!
God knows how many years it has been since I played FF4. Great times. I remember having a Cecil that was about 20 levels higher than everyone else, but anyway.
If you've played FF4 and love Rydia like I do, this will please you (to put it mildly). Again, please
leave your appreciation! Team members like it if you at least mention their names while you do it; it makes us (
Xero, and
me) feel more special! You can download and discuss this release
Also, check out this Zero no Tsukaima Hentai clip.