Back in the days when the site wasn't filtered, I was introduced to so many hentai genres that I eventually lost count of how many genres are actually out there, sure nothing beats real porn when it comes to tags but I mean with hentai logic as it is, there must be more right? But as the dawning of a more conservative and filtered FAKKU arrives(a huge load of titles in my Favorites fucking disappeared, I don't know why, I was so crushed that I left FAKKU after for a while so I haven't heard any news why) I began to look beyond tags and series and become more appreciative of the artistic side of the field, elements which include plots, storylines, progression, morale I guess, and most especially, the art and character design(I mean if you are reading a Vanilla-tagged IS title and the art looks like fucking Shrek, how the hell are you gonna read that). And quite frankly, these elements all rely on the author of the work. So for all the guys and gals out there, I need suggestions. Name a tag/genre/series, and name the best author(including best work in your opinion) for that series/tag/genre that you can think of, even if said title doesn't exist in this site anymore. You can put multiple entries.
You may also include authors that are rather one-shot wonders, those who were successful for a particular series but has not made success in all of his other works.
Criteria includes all the elements I said above.
Note: Don't include Bosshi, Hisashi, Gunma, pyon, Homunculus, and NaPaTa, among other authors whose works are sold here. I know they're great and considered as legends but I can't find jack on how to read their works anymore, luckily I had the fortune to read some of their works right before they were made exclusive to credit-card riding, convention-hocking bastards(First manga I read here was a Gunma). I'm cool with that, being a poor fellow and a student at that(I ain't based in Japan so still no), but still a shame tho, and I am wondering if they're selling Black Dog soon, seems majority of what they're selling is from the glorious Vanilla race.
Note 2: I haven't been here for a while, just updated on new rules regarding unlicensed content, so please don't comment on that anymore.