Spotted a while ago that Ash wing's Bijoux Fantaisie are not uploaded here...
I uploaded them in mega since I don't have permissions to upload in the doujinshi section...
[Ash Wing (Makuro)] BF(Bijoux Fantaisie) 1.rar!bl5HGKgC!Ci3kAAi4YjNPUC27MFETl3osaOx6PxUDTmgWuiCsjyo
[Ash Wing (Makuro)] BF(Bijoux Fantaisie) 2.rar!X8pBmIaS!b5WOBlitnDgmwfTeKgcZzlAcONQBx6RIYoXfd1FbAlk
I hope an admin can reposition it there sooner or later...
Here are some screenshots