That reminds me, American submarines were horribly effective at dealing with Japanese units. Japanese actually didn't pay much attention to depth bombing, which hurt them in the end.
Good, good. Typhoon coming in tomorrow, so we may not have classes.
But Germany was the master of submarine warfare during WWII(and WWI). When I think submarine, I usually think Das Boot.
There are only two submarines atm in KanColle? I wonder if in the future they'll expand to other country's navies as well but that'd probably be too much of a hassle.
Haven't visited /k/ board, but I stick with 4ch anime or videogames board only for now.
Being inside submarines also sounds like a bad experience. Being not able to see the sun/open sea and keep diving below the sunlight, it's like being confined inside dark cell.
--Room. I'm planning on developing my destroyer-chans. But first, evolve Kongo hahaha
It is a very claustrophobic work space and especially if you're trying to be stealthy underwater, the tension of hovering under an enemy radar is nerve racking.
I'll be calling this a day now. Fun talking about this.
--Kei. And escaping from damaged subs sounds hard.
About non Jap ships, well the devs are planning for PSVita version. One can hope for more foreign ships. They can be the new antagonist or ally, since the enemy in Kancolle is "alien" battleships.
Nighto Kei.
--Room. She's almost lv 20, closer to upgrade. Yet still no sign of Haruna. I'm cursed with chronic lesbian battleship (I'm looking at you Yamashiro).
I need Haruna to unlock 4th fleet, so I can do expedition for more resources. suffering