Because I don't wanna be a moderator and this seemed like a good way to guarantee it to never, ever happen.
Points of interests:
-I'm impartial!
Ive been here for, what? A week? I cant play favorites with people I don't know. You might be thinking me not being here long might affect how I would moderate, but I assure it; it probably will, and I will fuck up everything.
-I know IB
You see, While everyone was wasting their time making "Me for Mod" topics, I was out wasting my time making a "Me for Mod" topic; I'm just a hipster with no idea where to go.
Because I know; everyone's a faggot.
All the time.
-Love children
Thats a lie...
Which leads to->
You see, I wouldn't just ban you; Ill tell you why you were banned, point out all your grammatical mistakes, insult your intelligence, make fun of your mother, then photoshop a dick into your avatar and post it like it was Jesus Christ's autograph.
So as you can see from the above, making me mod would be the worse decision your entire life.
Yes, it probably will.
So be sure to vote...
...For someone else.