Angelus Lapsus wrote...
Computer Class was thought by a complete idiot, so someone gets the idea to find he BSOD, and then use the image as the Background on the instructors computer a lunch. then Ctrl+Alt+Del > End Explorer.exe.
The guy is freaking out BSOD! the Schools UT guy come and within 5 seconds fixes it.
The whole class Facepalmed when the instructor said, "I want to know who did it, But more importantly I want to know how they did it."
Did the same thing
Got to Computer Class early, turned on the "teacher's comp" (the one connected to an OHP so the rest of the class can see a huger version), and changed his desktop to a blue screen of death (complete with a valid looking error message!). Afterwards, had all the shortcuts and icons put on hide, set the taskbar on pop-up mode, and proceeded to watch 30 minutes go by as the teacher banged his head on the wall trying to fix the "error"