SolidShark wrote...
Khanti wrote...
SolidShark wrote...
I remember reading on Hentaifromhell some years ago on a commentary (my memory to this day remembers reading it several years ago), that the artist of manga: Sasoi Jougo (here on Fakku by he way, 4 pages, full color) was a female artist known as URAN. Me, like many others here, know an artist only by its name/penname. We don't know about their age, gender, or anything else on the matter.
Yeah, that's the point of the question; maybe it would work better as a poll for authors? Mh I am not sure this would work, either.
Authors themselves should speak/write about their experience, but I doubt they hang out at FAKKU.
P.S.: I apologize for my rusty english writing skills, I am italian mother tongue.
Authors sometimes want to keep their identity secret to avoid death threats (like Abgund, who stopped drawing yaoi traps because of homophobic imbeciles sent mail telling him they were going to kill him). Fakku is full of translators who translate hentai from japanese to english, almost always hired to do so by a private person in the internet. Therefore, there is no contact between the translator and the author.
PS: How did you find Fakku, did you visit the meet amd greet forum? Did you/Do you live in Italy, what does Italy actually look like?
Too bad.
This tread could turn into something like "female readers and hentai", but surely this will lead to a duplicated tread.
I found Fakku browsing the web, and untill now it's my favorite hentai reading place. Simple, funny and full of stuff; much more userfriendly than
I'll go introducing myself in the appropriate section right now.
Italy is - sadly - pretty close to the image foreigners have: great people, great place, dumb politicians/clergy and a state in decline, mainly because everyone cares only about itself. Here things are becoming really serious. Often people thinks - althought does not say, yet - that one of these days is going to happening something like the arab spring, to make a significant change. It would be better that this would not be necessary, but you know how this stuff works, unfortunally.
As many of my compatriots I wish/want/will/plan leaving this place to gain a better life. Let's see what the future will bring.