Klorofolun wrote...
aznstoner wrote...
Please, as if I already haven't searched swear words in Wikipedia before. There's also a Pussy France, and Pussy Russia.
There's also Blue Ball, Pennsylvania.
I can verify that... I used to live near there when I had a stint in college. most people don't believe me that I was born in
Mars Pennsylvania
typical convo with a girl when I was single.
random girl:so where you from big boy?
me: Mars
random girl: (now looking at me quizzically) no really where are you from?
me: no really I'm from mars
followed by a giggle and a denial of sex that night
ZiggyOtaku wrote...
:) Yep. Whenever I went to Indiana I always passed Blue Ball. Intercourse in Lancaster County in Pennsylvania, and there's also Paradise in Lancaster County. Gotta have Paradise if you're gonna have Intercourse in Lancaster.
that's the fun of Pennsylvania, you can have a vacation just randomly wandering around laughing your ass off to the weird ass names that we chose for our cities