animefreak_usa wrote...
Japan promotes creampies for increasing their stock of people. - birthrates and such.
Now I ask, did you noticed too?
Is it a men thing?
Do men actually think like that (if you ever have unprotected sex, for pleasure, is the goal to impregnate the girl)?
Do you think it'd be a great thing to yell during the act?
Yes... every much so.
Or do you get turned off too since it happens often?
female nip moans are annoying.
Or am I reading this all wrong and they're unconsciously warning us not to have unprotected sex? See top. We are not Japanese... unless this is from japan... then carry on and desu~~~
Thanks for your answer ^^
First, excuse my question but what is nip moans? Sorry, english is not my first answer and I can't find the meaning on google.
Thank God it's a japanese thing! It kinda freaks me out sometimes...
And it also gives me goosebumps men (non japanese, I assume) think this way too... May I ask why? Is it male instinct or just 'climax brain' thinking?