Tsuvian wrote...
Sgt.broski wrote...
Tsuvian wrote...
Sgt.broski wrote...
Another example why my beloved religion is becoming a fagstock of ignorant people.
Implying it hasn't always been a fagstock of ignorant people.
It truly wasn't always like that.
No? It wasn't when they were burning witches? Prosecuting people of other faith and trying to convert them constantly? Forcing nations into massive wars and threatening them with excommunication if they didn't participate? Blindly giving money and their faith to a corrupt organization?
Please, it's always been full of ignorance, among many other terrible things.
So you're implying that every person who follow the bible is an ignorant person? If so then explain how the Great depression went. Did the church not give food and shelter to those in need when the republic president did not want to spend money on the people? Or the time MLK gave his famous "
I have a dream speech?
So if any of that showed a sign of ignorance than I must have forgotten the word completely.