cruz737 wrote...
Pyre wrote...
Okay, so, he chose to nitpick in an environment where the player spends very little amount of time, where there are no combat sequences either,
one of the lowest budgeted areas in the game. And this proves?
Pyre that claim is bullshit unless you can get me a statement of the creators saying that. And the game does this quite often.
Pyre wrote...
Game-play was definitely dull, but the story was rather good, especially in comparison to other currently popular AAA titles.
What made the story "good" in your opinion? What made it more insightful than any other triple A titles?
You don't need statements from the development studio to come to a logical conclusion of which environments saw higher production values, only experience and access to some of the game's resources. A little experience with texture design helps as well. When I have the time I will extract and compare the textures used in that environment to other environments in the game, including how often the same textures are repeated, along with captures of the animations and their quality, along with the amount of dialogue and of course the quality of music used as well. Although you could just as easily jump to that point in the game and compare them yourself just like I did when I saw that video.
As for what makes the story "good" in comparison to other AAA, well... Let's take Skyrim and Battlefield 3 as examples. Now as much as I would love to sit here and write over nine thousand words explaining why Infinite's storyline is better than Battlefield 3's and Skyrim's, I honestly just don't have the time for that, so I'll only point out the glaring differences.
- Over-used premise ie. fighting dragons.
- Over-used setting ie. medieval western fantasy world in a country split by civil war.
- Each character aside from (deadric) gods is given just enough background to fit into the story and nothing more. Very little if any emotional attachment can be built to any of the characters in the game because of this.
- Excessive use of blatant foreshadowing eliminates any suspense for those with an IQ above 100.
- Most of the lore in the main storyline is spoon-fed to you.
Battlefield 3
I'm actually going to skip this one because you can just look at reviews and find out it was a steaming pile of shit, Star Fox 64 had more fucking depth than this game's campaign.
Bioshock Infinite
- Premise is over-used-basically rescuing a princess from a tower guarded by a powerful knight.
- Settings is original, I sure hope you can conclude why yourself.
- Hours of extra dialogue fits well with the game and more often than not add to the lore behind each character, be it Fink, Comstock or even Booker himself.
- Characters develop well and realistically, for instance Anna acts just as you would expect from a genius that's been cooped up and sheltered for her entire life in a cage when she is released, curious and full of passion.
- Characters in the game had flare and personality, were much easier to build emotional attachment to than in either Skyrim or Battlefield. For instance Fink & Comstock were easy to dislike in comparison to Alduin, whom I was completely indifferent towards while playing Skyrim.
- Rather than go with multiple endings, a concept we now see in single-player only games used on a consistent basis, the player was given the illusion of choice which was intricately explained by quantum theory.
- That being said, any story that involves quantum theory gets a +1 in my book.
- Second play-through still yields new information and the events of the game become fairly humorous once you understand a good portion of what's happening.
There's more but I have to go out tonight so that's all I'm writing for now.