animefreak_usa wrote...
Tell you the truth there no real one way to say life is shit, just bring a lot of hot sauce to dull down the taste a bit.
If you're well off and white then go to college. If your brown/yellow/ or poor white trash then your option is either student loan until you die of working a 80 hour work week, Join the military or sell pussy, sling crack and rob people. If you join the military then choose a good career school you like to do that isn't just military only like tank crew or field grunt. If you want a military career then think about ROTC and national guard. Don't wanna die in the desert? Do office job code. MP's are 99% off the front lines. Cooks are also since MRE is god's mana. Score good and uncle sam will pay for medical school/law school/engineering shit. Don't and your GI bill will pay for almost all your MA degrees.
Ramen is cheap and rice and bean with a little meat will get you buy for 5 months before you get malnutrition. Buy in bulk and buy the cheap about to expire meats and vegs. Beef is better aged. Chicken and fish isn't. A bus pass most of the time is better then a car if your job is within a mile of a stop or not outside the city/region. In my cases if you can plan it i can actually get you from one area to the other which is 100 mile outside the route. Sucking dick isn't that bad if you need food and rent.
Starbucks is free internet and the signal reach pretty far. Food bank don't check anything. Scrap metal is good money. Copper and aluminum. 50 buck of plants can feed you for 20cents per fruit and most can be dried/pickle/canned or froze good. Sirloin is better then hot dogs at the same price.
They can't turn off your gas in the winter. Electricity in the summer. Apt managers can thought. As long as there not 3 deaths by crime in your neighborhood your not in a bad place. 400$/month rent. there wild plants that smell like pot. Add it to a baggy of dollar store old aerated oregano and those privileged white preppy cunt can't tell the difference from dank to mexican shit.
Wispy wrote...
Its time to be an adult and shit and advice?
So you violated this site by being a minor! Reported.JK
Enjoy the suck...because being an adult sucks donkey nuts.
Wtf happened to your feet, you poor devil.