Takerial wrote...
People do stuff like this to draw attention to themselves so they can make people think they're being awesome.
In reality, this person treated someone differently for what they were and believed in, and it is the opposite of what people should desire.
Why an act like this deserved attention is disgusting to begin with. The fact that people think we need more acts like this is disgusting.
He should have treated and tipped her the same he would any other waitress, regardless of her background, race, or beliefs.
This type of act just shows people do not see each other as equals.
You are absolutely correct.
However, can this not be taken as a step in the right direction, considering how batshit insane people in many parts of America have been lately?
Why does it deserve attention?
It doesn't, necessarily.
However, if you don't bring attention toward positive things, no matter how small, and only shed light on negative events, what is America going to do to improve its society?
I don't know why I'm even having this conversation, personally, I'd accept it if we all ended up nuked by the Russians tomorrow, and nuked them and all the other countries in the process.
That's how small my faith in humanity's growth potential is as of late.
Also, what you're saying is essentially admitting that humans are basically all trash, and this one is no exception.
I already went down that road, but will you?
If you have or are now, then...
Well, hopefully it's at least more fun for you than it was for me.