No Loli No Life wrote...
Wall of text, read if not tl;dc:
The reason I'm more concerned is because the law concerning lolicon content in america is poorly written, and people who merely viewed lolicon content have been arrested and forced to register as sex offenders here in the past with literally zero supportive evidence, merely because the prosecution's story won the disgust of the jury.
Accused 'sex offenders' in america have literally zero rights to fair trial, not because those rights don't exist, but because of the prejudice that everyone accused of a sex offense is guilty of vulgar and abusive things.
Which is clearly not the case, especially in harmless, 2D loli lovers like myself. (Well, harmless to children - I did fuck my brother's ex, but we moved past that, not sure if he's actually forgiven me yet... note that she's 22, so nothing illegal there).
As far as real children go - I don't even talk to them unless they talk to me first. I figure it's better not to concern myself with 3D children, that'll only raise suspicions about me which are completely unwarranted.
You live in the us, huh?
Fucking muricans. Where I live, lolicon/shotacon/underage manga of any kind of henai is clearly illegal so I can't view online at all unless I'm through several proxies...
So mostly I just stick with guro, it's the most disturbing fetish that I can get off from that's legal to view here.
Scat is legal here, but despite my name, shit still stinks.
Anyway, good luck keeping the government out of your business - Although, america's tech is behind at least, so maybe you can 'fall off the grid' or something...
(I mean wtf? When I ask you people if you have any EMV-secured cards, you ask 'what's EMV?' to the rest of the world, that's a retarded question.)