After nearly 10 years in the same part-time-work-but-full-time-availability dead-end retail job I've been miserable in for a while now, I've changed jobs. I realise that wouldn't be much of an achievement ordinarily, but I don't have a lot of self worth so it took a lot to make the leap - it took a week to finally muster the courage to apply. My friends were my rock. It's been nearly 2 months since I was offered it, and I'm still surprised I got it. The new folks are grand. The new job is full time, have my own desk, and I get my weekends and bank holidays back. Best of all, I am no longer dealing with the general public. It's not an easy job by any stretch, but it feels more rewarding.
The physical nature of my last job and the fact you have to be on your feet all the time was finally starting to take its toll: I kept getting issues with my back, and eventually developed both plantar fasciitis and Achilles tendonitis which made it a bitch to stand let alone walk. I suspect having to manually carry stock of various weights up a flight of stairs constantly was a major contributor to that. Getting bitched at from higher up about sales targets day in day out and expecting us to manually track targets on paper if we fell short was also getting on my nerves. I also really didn't want to work another Christmas in retail. I could get into a full blown rant about my frustrations with the place but it boils down to just not being a very fulfilling occupation. I was way overdue a change. Funny thing is I didn't intend to stay for that long.
Don't know why I'm making this post. I'm just happy about this recent development in my life.
Also hi, been a while.