I'll try to keep this short. Or not. Let's see how it plays out.
Life4Kaoru is celebrating three years of translating what we in the biz like to call, "mostly vanilla". It's thanks to people like you that give us reason to scour the net and maybe bully people overseas to hand over their precious ero-hons (TL Note: Porn Books) so we can provide the English and Engrish speaking communities with stuff that is most if not completely almost vanilla in content (There were no Japanese people harmed in the making of this group...I think).
In honor of our third birthday, I'm going to be spreading out releasing stuff that we haven't already uploaded to Fakku over the next three days. If you're the impatient type, you can check us out at our home site at
We're also looking for hopefuls who want to make a name for themselves in the Chinese comic porn industry to join us as translators and typesetters (if you really are joining for e-peen, I suggest you gtfo ahead of time, we don't want
more attention whores. If you think you have the balls to work with the best (or the boobs, girls can enjoy vanilla porn too), check out our Recruitment page carefully read our terms and conditions before you sign your self over to the Gods of Val-Nil-La. You were warned.
L4K Recruitment.
Anyways, thanks for your support these past three years, and here's to (insert hopeful sounding number) more!