He'd get some bodies from wherever to hone his craft and then dispose of them afterwards in an underground catacomb beneath our ancestral home where they hid during the Japanese occupation of Pangasinan.
I still remember, as a kid, we'd go down to the catacombs every Halloween and clean the place of zombies and skeletons. I gave him the idea of doing it on Halloween as a family thing. He taught me how to shoot, how to wield blades and blunts, first aid, all kinds of shit and in time, he taught me how to raise the dead but I was never really any good.
When he died, I got his notes but with school and other stuff I never got to reading them. Until today.
I come from a freemason heritage, acording to my gramps my grandmother's father was one, she didn't become one cus she was a woman and she was a single child so the line ended there