I have to get my wisdom teeth pulled just when I thought I was in the clear.I'm getting them removed next week so I'm not going to be here for about,lets say 2 weeks after I get them removed.I will still be able to go on the internet but just not this site.It's to stop myself from complaining and ranting about my pain.Just wanted to throw that out there in case anyone missed me when I'm gone or wondered where I was.I highly doubt that will happen.
I got my wisdom teeth pulled a while ago. Hurt and bled for a while, but not that much. Braces definently hurt much more, it's nothing compared to that.
I don't go numb, and I had a cavity. I got stabbed in my cheeks about 3 times, then I got stabbed on the roof 2 times. Finally they drilled with no numbing agent.
I was knocked out and felt nothing as my wisdom teeth were removed. After the operation, my cheeks swelled up and it was constant somewhat painful throbbing except for when I took painkillers.
Also, when I had immediately woken up after the operation, I remembered the dentist had been singing while I was in and out of consciousness, so I told him while all drugged up, "Oh man, you should be a rapper". He bust out laughing, and I'm pretty sure I made his day.