Drifter995 wrote...
Even though we know the basics of it, it's interesting to see how deep it goes, and also how much our info is worth.
It's one reason why we laugh at anybody who gets on facebook and cries about windows 10 privacy/ selling their info
I also like how the number is 12 dollars.
There's a certain quote I like - "Losing 12 dollars isn't going to break the bank, you know!" ~ Stock trading website associate, circa 2012.
Of course, I never did finish signing up for that site.
Other ones I've heard:
"12 dollars is just a drop in the bucket!" ~Some random guy whose name and face I can't remember. Thinking back, it probably had to do with gambling.
"12 bucks... at least it was only 12 you lost." ~My brother responding to my gambling problem.
"Are you dirt poor? Is that really all you have?" ~A random hooker who refused to give me a blowjob for 12 dollars.