Pyre wrote...
Gender evolved from the roles that our species assigned to the different sexes as we developed societies.
Gender roles have already been observed in species other than our own meaning that there is an intuitive foundation of them brought on by genetics and evolution as the studies of Fairbairn and Blanckenhorn show in
Sex, size, and gender roles: evolutionary studies of sexual size dimorphism. That isn't to say the idea of what a gender role is in the perception of various societies has not been augmented, but it is wrong to say that the idea of gender roles evolved into a concept because of society.
Gallowloch wrote...
Only very recently in our history have our societies developed in a direction that would allow for us to dispense with such concept- functionally, at least.
What functions are you referring to here?
Gallowloch wrote...
But in terms of social interactions- and us being a highly social species- I daresay that gender is something that'll probably stay for some time.
"Some time" is too ambiguous to give me any reason to respond or argue against this. I could make any number of assumptions as to why you didn't decide to define a time span that has any actual meaning (or functions in the previous statement) and be a condescending dick doing so but I think you're smarter than that so I will give you the benefit of the doubt and assume it wasn't an act of purposeful intent.
Gallowloch wrote...
Don't vaunt about the "illusion of intuitive irrationality" (nice alliterative appeal- but I think the idea of gender came about in a highly rational manner) until you're ready to see Seth Rogen in a bikini and not find it funny and slightly revolting.
Pyre wrote...
Gender identity is an illusion brought on by intuitive irrationality.
Although I think I don't need to explain the differences between what you seem to be claiming I stated and what I actually stated to you there are likely others following this thread that would like clarification.
Intuitive irrationality isn't an illusion, intuition
is irrational (by definition) and gender identity, being formed on a base of genetics and evolutionary needs is at its heart intuitive. There is no conscious reasoning for it, again, it's only an illusion brought on by intuitive irrationality.
Even if we have only in the last century began to understand the flaws of gender identity through a realization that intuition cannot be used as a basis for conscious perception through the works of philosophers like Hume and Bertrand Russel doesn't mean that it's okay to continue accepting it as an idea and propagating it as a rational concept.