I don't really know if your aware of this or not but for those who don't I thought I'd give a heads up.
Dead or Alive 5 - Kasumi featured, the site has the covers up for view. Caption at bottom of covers says Kasumi Hot Zone, maybe title, maybe not so play by ear on that.
Final Fantasy XIII-2 (Yes XIII-2, Why skip XIII is mystery to me)- Covers show the other hot girl, obera. Lighting may be featured, not sure but I hope so cause she's hot.
These aren't new but I ain't seen them on Fakku so here they are:
Dynasty warriors - two epic works starring girls of this series (I've got the raws)
The sequel to FFVII TIFA LOCKHART~Materia midori, name of red materia (I've got the raw)
On other note, I wish they'd hurray on up and do Claire Redfield already, I mean first there was Jill, then Rebecca,so it stands that Claire'd be next in line.