Odamust wrote...
yurixhentai wrote...
Joshnickle wrote...
yurixhentai wrote...
Joshnickle wrote...
Also my PSN is
insta nope
The ED is good, and I liked the series, but Haruka is the shittest MC.
Not the shittiest but not the best too. Rei is best.
He's pure shit. Blank emotion and all he says is "ore wa free da". It's funny the first few times but that's all he does and he becomes predictable. You know he's going to say that phrase before he says it. We get it, you like to swim freestyle. It's another case where all the other characters are much more interesting than the mc. Although I agree he isn't the shittest, but he comes a close second to the objectively worst character: Nitori.
Also Rei is definitely the best.