Watching some more of the anime, I have to say that while I like the premise it has too many problems to be a very good anime. At it's best point it barely manages to be a decent anime.
1. The first problem is the plot. It's too easy to see coming even before the foreshadowing. Troublesome.
2. The restrictions on magic seem, well odd at times.
3. Most of the time the cases get solves through strange leaps of logic or very obvious plot devices rather than subtle clues. It's like getting Pheonix Wright 3 when you were hoping for the original game.
4. The magic itself is not very innovative in design and honestly quite lacking. To top it off, in this world magic has been around for centuries but the entire feel of how the wizards in the story are treated make it feel like they just started coming around a generation or two ago.
5. The characters have strange moments of characterization. One moment they are developing story and background and then the next they are delving into one dimensional actions and thoughts. It's a very odd mixture.
In any manner. I'll probably be watching the Nisekoi anime to see how it fairs.