Split133 wrote...
RailSword wrote...
Back as far as I can remember I only ever Read
Kuroinu juu's work and they were only ever about
Sailor Moon , maybe they were
Ntr but back then I really didn't know for sure what that was.
If it's Kuroinu Juu (I call him/her Blackdog) doing a Sailor Moon Doujin then it's not NTR. It's Forced + Ugly Bastard/Oni because that's all Blackdog has done for almost two decades (I never read Blackdog's late 90's early 00's work though).
All of Blackdog's Sailor Moon Doujins were (and still are) really fucking good. One of them featuring Venus was one of the reasons I got really into hentai. That shit blew my mind when I was a teenager.
I wasn't blown away from anything I read by juu (or blackdog) since I was still pretty vanilla Towards any art I came across during my college years , I hardly even remembered any of the salior scouts names only sailor Moon was easy to recognize cause of how long her twin-tails were
He did drew a lot of sailor moon work , I can probably picked out the ones haven't seen in a long time but it's going to take too long.