azylsagara wrote...
Hello Shellz and welcome to Fakku! offiically no longer as a lurker yay your one of us now haha >:D Enjoy the forums and all Fakku! has to offer you.
You seem like you have some good exposure with a forum like this.Which is great
! I'm not very familiar with chrunchyroll myself though forumwise anyway.hope to see you around the forums!
Im one of you Azy & it feels good! though I should probably get to posting now lol & yes though it may not have been with these in particular forums are nothing new to me. As for Crunchyroll I left a while back [3 months ago] & im not too updated on how it is these days.
yeoldehag wrote...
its good to met another forum mod again here.. Even though some people on IB making fun of crunchyroll, [size=1]including me :p[/h]
so how's crunchy's thingy? Is it got a lot of bugs like fakku?
My oh my! how could you!? LOL no worries, im not too fond of it these days either, havent checked back there in 3 months so im not sure how things are now. But back when I was active there everything was good except for the avatar making groups with them getting hounded with requests & the lack of organization. They had their good number of bugs too from what I remember though.