'sup. i've been using this site for about a year now.i honestly think that this is the_best_h_site_ever so i keep using it.but im just recently active because of the internet connection set up in my room recently(i'm sharing the pc with net with pops before). i hail from indonesia, a devout fan of kisaragi gunma, and will be goin to japan this october to study. is there japanese irl here?anyways apa kabar and hope that we'll get along nice nicely.thx!
Apa kabar mnx! Gue orang Indonesia juga lho! Banyak orang Indonesia disini...
Gue campuran Tegal sama Solo, hehehe....
Asli Jawa 8)
Lu asli mana?
Seneng Gunma Kisaragi juga ya? Hebat juga selera lu...
Seneng gangbang ya? hahaha...