
You've probably seen me already on the forums around here.

I like:
-Foo Fighters
-Things I cannot have
-Call of Duty 4 (damn Punkbuster didn't install the first time around)


Hopefully I'll be active on this forum as well, you may notice my avatar & banner have NOTHING to do with anime of any type, I was just bored and wanted to test my skillz on MS paint.

So yeah, this me, get used to it. :P
I have indeed seen you on the forums. Thanks again for pointing out the information on that image for me. As for your list of things you like, I must say I also like 7 of the 9 (neutral on 1, don't care for 1).

Welcome to FAKKU, enjoy your stay.
Hey i also like porn and hentai what a cowincedence! :lol:
Cryptex wrote...
You've probably seen me already on the forums around here.

I like:
-Foo Fighters
-Things I cannot have
-Call of Duty 4 (damn Punkbuster didn't install the first time around)


Hopefully I'll be active on this forum as well, you may notice my avatar & banner have NOTHING to do with anime of any type, I was just bored and wanted to test my skillz on MS paint.

So yeah, this me, get used to it. :P

Welcome, cryptex-san. Why do you said you can't have those things? Especially life, what do you mean by that? Aren't you living?
Yo, please to meet you too, Cryptex.
Kongo Agon wrote...
Cryptex wrote...
You've probably seen me already on the forums around here.

I like:
-Foo Fighters
-Things I cannot have
-Call of Duty 4 (damn Punkbuster didn't install the first time around)


Hopefully I'll be active on this forum as well, you may notice my avatar & banner have NOTHING to do with anime of any type, I was just bored and wanted to test my skillz on MS paint.

So yeah, this me, get used to it. :P

Welcome, cryptex-san. Why do you said you can't have those things? Especially life, what do you mean by that? Aren't you living?

Did you read his post AT ALL?
I LIKE: (all the stuff he likes)

Anyway, Welcome Cryptex! I have seen you around before, well, more your sig than anything else... I think that I agree with most of your likes. I do, however, hate COD4s tendency to lose your rank! I played for seven fucking hours, and I lost my rank! Seriously! So be wary...

I hope you enjoy FAKKU and all it has to offer.
Err.....err...I misunderstood, sorry.*bow my head*
Noice. It's okay man, I gave forgiveness as well as punches. I'll try to keep up-to-date on Fakku's happenings, so you might see me alot around here.
Monster Girl
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