Fakku in Denver?

Was curious how many people were in Denver, that visited fakku. I remember on the title page back in October that there was a picture of Nandesukan. Was curious if whoever the moderator was, was planning on going to Wasabicon during spring break. Evidently its supposed to be more of an adult version of Nandesu, by having hentai/yaoi viewing rooms past midnight (something Nandesu could never do) Anyways let me know, would be nice to thank the person who has helped give me so much doujinshi!
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
Let me know how Wasabicon is. I make it a point to make the trek to NDK every year (it's the closest anime con to my location, wish there were one within a reasonable driving distance that doesn't require a whole weekend off) so maybe you'll see someone with a FAKKU shirt! :D
Monster Girl
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