I have come to be among my fellow fakku perverts. I will turn water to wine, old bread into waifus.
I am 22, I am the Second Cuming. I suppose my name is Irrelevant here. But feel free to call me "2nd." I have been a "fakku stalker" for quite some time. Back in the day, where my curiosity would roam from site to site. I'd look around, but never make an account. Fakku was one those sites I've always had great interest in. But I suppose never the courage to register. I avoided it even more when I found out you had to pay. Later down the line I read a story on why. I understood. Besides, if you truly love something - wouldn't you happily pay for it? I decided to do so and I don't regret it. Anyway, I'm enjoying this immensely. I hope to befriend some of you!