
Hi there Fakku people~

I am Maw, a somewhat shy catboy from a place far far away and I found the site through a movie linked by a friend. I've been checking this place out and by the looks of it it seems I've stumbled into the best hentai site ever!
I'm a little shy, but I try to be as friendly as possible to everyone! Nothing to gain from negativity, I always say :3

Anyways, I also wanted to give some major props to the people contributing and running this site. I'm not exaggerating when I say this site is the best I've seen, I love the layout and the quality content. The little I have lurked these forums, I've noticed that people here are nice, and the atmosphere is friendly and interesting; that is a very good thing, makes it easier to contribute to the wonderful selection there already is =)

I shouldn't go on rambling like this, but I get the feeling this is a community I'd very much like to be a part of, and not just show up and leave. So thanks in advance!

Love, Maw~
A catboy, hm?

You could prove useful, welcome.
welcome to the greatest hentai paradise on earth!!!! hahahahaha...
Kaimax Best Master-San
Welcome to FAKKU!
Please make yourself at home. Talk to us if have problems or something you want to talk about.

FAKKU! Ni Youkosou!
If I'm correct in thinking, you maybe the first new member of the new year to make a welcome thread.

Welcome to Fakku
Mattarat wrote...
If I'm correct in thinking, you maybe the first new member of the new year to make a welcome thread.

Welcome to Fakku

I think you missed a couple people then.
yeap I agree with Noutakun ...

And by the way welcome to Fakku Maw
Welcome to FAKKU! I'm happy you enjoy our work (as most of FAKKUs members have uploaded at least one thing, or pointed a new user in the right direction before)

I think it's great that you made such a long intro post, it's very uncommon these days. I hope you have a good time here, and get all the hentai you need.

Also; Nyaa~
Nyanya Hibia =>

Thanks for the welcome people! I wrote a little lenghty intro post because I tend to start rambling on on a lot of things =/
It's a good thing to have a hentai site with a nice community like this =) Thank you once more~
Welcome to FAKKU!
Monster Girl
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