
Greetings. I am a Swedish guy sometimes known as Dålif who is just newly introduced to Hentai. I've been lurking around for a month so I figured it is about time to interact with the community to expand my perspective futher. I have been into games as far as I can remember, heavily into, including roleplaying at very young age aswell as storytelling. However, I haven't been watching anime for much more then 2 years. With such a late start, I pretty much spend all of my current time to catch up.
However, my recent interest in Hentai can be tracked even futher back then so. I have never found normal porn to be any arousing, quite the opposite. However, I now have found a perfect substitute; I just love seeing characters I've grown attached to satisfy themselves sexually through various acts of violation against physical and logical nature, or not.

I am really passionate about characters, I will do everyhing in my might to see that those few I currently know prevail in the MOTEMOTE battles. Those are rather few, thought, too few.
As I am just starting to catch up, Id love advices on series, I am very activly searching myself, but I appretiate any help I can get.

Unrelated to my anime/games/manga interest but relevant to my serious approach to searching is my interest in philosophy, art, music and life in general. I pretty much spend my days on google and wikipedia looking up new music, new ways to view life, new philosophy, you name it, all to expand myself. I would not consider myself to belong to any specific religion or belief, thought, as I consider every claim to absolute truth to be hypocrisy.
However, that is another me, I am not really here to be serious, just to socially parasite on the gathered knowledge of Fakku and to infect you with a little piece of me. :)

I hope I'll enjoy my time here and that you will enjoy having me trying to get in touch with you. I'll see you around.
Welcome to Fakku dålif and Enjoy your stay.
From one recently reformed lurker to another, welcome.
Nikon FAKKU Old Guard
Music is cool. So is porn. Welcome!
Welcome to the Fakku community =D
That's alot, WELCOME!!!
Monster Girl
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