Bokan wrote...
Jokes: Sweden is awesome! Totally got polarbears and stuffs running around our public streets. <3
Also got like, super cheap fishies that we turn into candies and sell to american people for super cheapsies. :X
Seriousness: Sweden is amazing, we totally got super awesome healthcare, awesome people (Most of the time) and superamaziiiiing (".") internet, I think you'd love it if you actually came here as a tourist to just visit! :3
PS: Really really like your avi as well, might I ask where you happened to stumble upon it? The artwork is just to die for.
Oh my, that sounds absolutely wonderful~ What kinds of fishies? :3
I wanna visit one day!
My avatar is album artwork for one of Mili's songs called Chocological. I wish I knew who the actual artist is, because it's super adorable ._.