Hello all, I am new too!

Hi all, and I am new too, but I will not spam just to meet the 15 required for the items up in your contest. My dad and I read your site from time-to-time, and we both enjoy the art work, links, and other great stuff on the web site.

Plus, this is a great venue to meet folks who like similiar items, (eq. anime, different storylines, manga, etc, etc.....)

Again, thanks to the admins for running this site well, and to everyone, I wish you all HAPPY HOLIDAYS!

From a happy new member,

Star29 wrote...
MY DAD and I read your site from time-to-time, and we both enjoy the art work, links, and other great stuff on the web site.

:shock: woah :shock: ...err your daddy registered too?? or you both share the same account??
gizmo wrote...
Star29 wrote...
MY DAD and I read your site from time-to-time, and we both enjoy the art work, links, and other great stuff on the web site.

:shock: woah :shock: ...err your daddy registered too?? or you both share the same account??

I don't know, but it sounds bitchin'.
Noutakun wrote...
gizmo wrote...
Star29 wrote...
MY DAD and I read your site from time-to-time, and we both enjoy the art work, links, and other great stuff on the web site.

:shock: woah :shock: ...err your daddy registered too?? or you both share the same account??

I don't know, but it sounds bitchin'.

No way, it's way too weird for me.

Anyway... I welcome to you both to the forums, I hope that you enjoy your stay and the multitudes of hentai we harbor.
Monster Girl
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