Wordmangler2000 wrote...
BubbleApparatus wrote...
Tolkien fanatic and general Sci-Fi / Fantasy lover.
Hey Bubbles. Welcome.
What do sci-fi/fantasy lovers read these days?
I keep running into self-professed scie-fi fans who have never read Heinlein, or Asimov, or Clarke. Heck, they've never read Dan Simmons. It's as if the world started with Neuromancer, you know?
What do people read nowadays huh? For Sci-Fi I don't know too much, but on the fantasy side everyone appears to be reading R.R. Martin's
A Song of Ice and Fire series, and Peter V. Brett's
The Painted man trilogy (last part coming out soon.) I have not read anything by Martin yet, so I can't speak about it, and Brett's books are sort of meh.
And yeah, not many people read old sci-fi, only the new stuff. I actually asked some 30 people in school one day, and no one had ever even heard of the Foundation series. And yeah, much to my own disappointment I have to admit I have never read Simmons or Heinlein either.
Oh, and a suggestion for something to read in the sci-fi area are Alastair Reynolds' works. I really love his writing style.
PrincessTristan wrote...
Welcome to Fakku.
@e-L33T wrote...
Welcome to F!
And, thanks for the warm welcome everyone! :3