SylviaTheGoat wrote...
Hello, I've been a lurker for a while on here, and I just thought it's about time that I join the member base. My name SylviaTheGoat is a reference to a rather awkwardly hilarious play known as The Goat(Who is Sylvia) by Edward Albee, though I would never in real life condone the situation that this play insinuates. If you want you can always refer to me as Sylvia, or Goat. I am 26 years old, soon to be 27 here in less than a month, a college graduate with a degree in communications, and I work as an associate manager at the store I work for, as well as run my own business as a freelance photographer. I love the movies made by Studio Ghibli, and listen to an eclectic selection of music(Classical, classic rock, heavy metal, rap, ect.) I'm an avid fan of old black and white films, and a junkie for cheesy horror movies. I have three tattoos, and no body piercings other than my ears, and I also love Chinese food.
If there is anything else you would like to know, feel free to ask.
Edit: I just noticed the typo in the title I meant to put "pleasure" not "pleasrue".
interesting name, welcome to Fakku!!!