Hey There ! :)

[size=12]Hello, everyone !! :D

Who am I ? Don't worry. I'm not some crazy stalker or anything... Ok. Maybe crazy but not a stalker. Heh heh :P ...

Ok. On with it !

I'm definitely a girl ^^ who was born in Poland [ weee... ekhem, sory. To much coffee today >.> ].
I'm 18 right now. But it's gonna change in May, ku ku ku... Oh ! And my name is Rei which, mind you, is not an polish name.
My parents have an slightly obsession if it goes to Japan, China and Korea, soo yeach. But it's not like I'm complaining. I like my name. :)

I luv anime and manga. I think that I have it from my parents. They like to watch anime to. Geee... They like it long before me.
That I like hentai I don't have to say, because if I didn't that I wouldn't be here. :wink:
Like I have already mention it, I'm sorta kinda crazy, energetic type of a girl. But don't worry. I know when to act at my age.
I'm caring and protective to people close to me. Always ready to help if needed.

What else can I say... Hmm...<br>
I LOVE animals ! My favorites are: foxes, cats [ but the wild rater then pets ] and wolves. *.* Maybe that's why I have 4 dogs [ Devil, Mazoku, Kiba and Demon. All 4 are Dobermans and deserved their names ^^' ], cat [ Tsume - yeah, the claws of his... ] and rabbit [ Fluffy - the name suits him well. He is just a cute, little, white fur ball :lol: ].

I HATE shoping ! :evil: Gosh, if I could I would never go anywhere near to any kind of a mall.
I always go shoping when I really don't have a choice or really need to buy something.

When I have a free time I like to be somewhere on nature, away from a bustle of the big city. But I don't like to do so alone. I would always brought my friends with me.
I love music so I'm often seen with my Zen. Practically I have it always with me no matter where I go. I can't live without music.

Well, I really don't know what else to type here, so I'll stop here for now.
Hope, I didn't put you, guys to sleep or anything. ^^'
See you later and take care ! :D [/h]
Kaimax Best Master-San
Let me be the first tosay:
You got a long one there, We're looking forward to your enthusiasm. Just make yourself at home, OK!
Now this is how you make your introduction! Interesting and informative. I can't live without music either, I rather listen to my music than talk to people at times :O. Anyways, it must be really cool to have parents who watch anime and travel to Japan. Wowzers your lucky, did you ever get to go to Japan along with them? +rep for the best introduction I've seen yet.
Welcome to FAKKU. That was a great introduction. My parents never did like anything that was drawn. If only they understood like yours.
YamiNoRei wrote...
[size=12]Hello, everyone !! :D

Who am I ? Don't worry. I'm not some crazy stalker or anything... Ok. Maybe crazy but not a stalker. Heh heh :P ...

Ok. On with it !

I'm definitely a girl ^^ who was born in Poland [ weee... ekhem, sory. To much coffee today >.> ].
I'm 18 right now. But it's gonna change in May, ku ku ku... Oh ! And my name is Rei which, mind you, is not an polish name.
My parents have an slightly obsession if it goes to Japan, China and Korea, soo yeach. But it's not like I'm complaining. I like my name. :)

I luv anime and manga. I think that I have it from my parents. They like to watch anime to. Geee... They like it long before me.
That I like hentai I don't have to say, because if I didn't that I wouldn't be here. :wink:
Like I have already mention it, I'm sorta kinda crazy, energetic type of a girl. But don't worry. I know when to act at my age.
I'm caring and protective to people close to me. Always ready to help if needed.

What else can I say... Hmm...<br>
I LOVE animals ! My favorites are: foxes, cats [ but the wild rater then pets ] and wolves. *.* Maybe that's why I have 4 dogs [ Devil, Mazoku, Kiba and Demon. All 4 are Dobermans and deserved their names ^^' ], cat [ Tsume - yeah, the claws of his... ] and rabbit [ Fluffy - the name suits him well. He is just a cute, little, white fur ball :lol: ].

I HATE shoping ! :evil: Gosh, if I could I would never go anywhere near to any kind of a mall.
I always go shoping when I really don't have a choice or really need to buy something.

When I have a free time I like to be somewhere on nature, away from a bustle of the big city. But I don't like to do so alone. I would always brought my friends with me.
I love music so I'm often seen with my Zen. Practically I have it always with me no matter where I go. I can't live without music.

Well, I really don't know what else to type here, so I'll stop here for now.
Hope, I didn't put you, guys to sleep or anything. ^^'
See you later and take care ! :D [/h]

i haven't read that much since high school... but it was WAY more interesting.
WELCOME and ello!
Welcome to the wonderful world of fakku!
Monster Girl
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