Heya everyone

Hiya I'm tactac, Teletha from FMP must win the motemote contest (she is just so hot), gotta vote gotta post.

(I posted the Giraffe picture of Chachamaru in the negima image section, dont kill me over this) :(
Haha, that picture was funny. Welcome to the forums.
Alright i might have been harsh but this is my way and i am sorry to have frighten u anyways i am Skyler998 as u can see and u can possibly tell i am the most evil existence in this site other than this site, still that picture is really awful cause i am a huge Negima! fan nevertheless i am not going to kill just have the urge in a sec so no worries. Bty welcome to Fakku!
*extends hand to tactac to bring him in this new family*
Hi welcome to the forum towelie112 here and as you can probably tell im a huge naruto fan so i think Hinata has to win the contest (even though Revy from Black Lagoon is a close second). Anyway welcom to the wonderful world of Fakkers :lol: !
Welcome to FAKKU's forums! Please, enjoy your stay and stay active well after the competition!
Welcome to Fakku and check out the MoteMoteBattle!
Monster Girl
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