Heya guess imma intro muhself herr...*Peeks into the room*


Yup, you guessed it, I'm new here *twists her hair and bites lip*.

I like RP's, smex, BDSM, smex, muzix, and oh yeah, SMEX!
. Um, so ya, that's about it I guess. Should you want to know more, just ask with a pm or on muh thread here.

FYI: I will be a resident megaflirt and smex kitteh.

Hmmm nobody has replied to this yet? How rude. Though I guess what do you expect with an introduction like that? I mean really, "I have come to this land to ravage the land and rip your souls from your bodies!" Did you have to be so overpoweringly hostile? Well anyway I'm sure everyone else hiding in their rooms with the doors locked (*shakes fist* damn you guys not telling me these doors had locks!) also wishes you a warm welcome Ms. Destroyer of Worlds.
Ramsus wrote...
Hmmm nobody has replied to this yet? How rude. Though I guess what do you expect with an introduction like that? I mean really, "I have come to this land to ravage the land and rip your souls from your bodies!" Did you have to be so overpoweringly hostile? Well anyway I'm sure everyone else hiding in their rooms with the doors locked (*shakes fist* damn you guys not telling me these doors had locks!) also wishes you a warm welcome Ms. Destroyer of Worlds.

Huh? *Looks confuzzled*

What are you talking about?

Thanks for the welcome in any case :)
hey welcome to fakku
Monster Girl
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