Hey guys and gals of fakku! I have recently made my account on here, although I didn't introduce myself until now. I have been using this site for quite some time now, I just never bothered to make an account until recently. So yeah I have been using this account and things seem good so far, people on here seem really cool. I just have one simple question though. IS there a limit to how many hentai's you can favorite on here? You see since I haven't always been using this account before, I had other means of saving the hentai's that I read on here. The problem though is that it's a very tedious process for me and I no longer wanted to deal with it.
I thought maybe it would be easier to add the stuff I like to my favorites. So for a while I have been on this account, I have made it a mission to favorite all the hentai's I've read and saved on a document. But there seems to be a problem I only now recently noticed, it seems that there is a limit to the amount of hentai's I am able to add to favorites. I noticed that things I felt I added recently are now listed as some of the first things I added to favorites and I only have two pages worth of favorited hentai's. I want a confirmation of my suspicions, is there truly a limit to the amount of hentai's you can favorite or is it a glitch? I appreciate anyone for reading this.