Hi whats up?

Shadow redCoMet Staff
Hi guys I finally decided to join Fukku since I have been visiting for a long time just never joined the forum.

I hope to have a lot of fun here ^^.

Just some quick thing about me. I enjoy game and I collect a lot of old systems specifically I love the Sega Saturn. I also collect a lot of anime and manga so much so that I can't really specify any favourites at the moment.
Welcome to Fakku Shadowhell
*strikes an pose* welcome to the world of FAKKU *stops posing* heres your welcome basket
Shadowhell55 wrote...
Hi guys I finally decided to join Fukku since I have been visiting for a long time just never joined the forum.

I hope to have a lot of fun here ^^.

Just some quick thing about me. I enjoy game and I collect a lot of old systems specifically I love the Sega Saturn. I also collect a lot of anime and manga so much so that I can't really specify any favourites at the moment.

I used to play.. I think it was called Nights? on the Saturn all the time.
Hello shadowhell. this website will give you happiness, horniness, and love minus the happiness and love. Enjoy.
Shadow redCoMet Staff
Hi thanks for the replies already! Just thought I would add a few little thing about myself.

Fav Artist: Satoshi Urushihara
Fav Film Director: Takashi Miike
Fav Anime: Gunbuster, Eva, Macross, Higurashi, Urusei Yatsura
Fav Manga: Gantz, Berserk
Fav Video Games: Too many ~~
Fav Anime Females: Asuka (from Eva), Asa-sempai (from Shuffle)

Ya I have Nights for the Saturn. Really fun game. I like to import a lot of stuff from Japan for the system since we did not get a lot of the good games over here. Perhaps I will post pictures at some point in the future.
it's nice to know more about you tell me
what anime have you watched?
I knida want to know more too.(also try defining your fav video games to system. it always makes it easier for me)
Shadow redCoMet Staff
it's nice to know more about you tell me
what anime have you watched?

I have watched a lot of stuff since I have been into anime for almost 8 years or so. To name some stuff I started off with I would say Evangelion, Rayearth, Ghost in the Shell, Macross, Slayers, etc. As of recently I am currently watching Kanon 2006, Emma, Shuffle(again) on dvd. I don't really watch to many fansubs anymore but I am currently checking out Macross Frontier. For anime I will watch almost anything that is recommend to me. So if you know of anything good I should check out please tell me ^^.

I knida want to know more too.(also try defining your fav video games to system. it always makes it easier for me)

In paticular I really like JRPGs, SHUMPS, Beat-em-ups, Fighting games, and survival horror and classic platforming/nes games...

JRPGs: FF, Dragon Warrior, Lufia, Grandia 1, Lunar, Growlanser, NIS tactical rpgs
SHUMPS: Ikaruga, Radiant Silvergun, Gradius, Parodius, Twinbee, Raiden
Beat-em-ups: Final Fight, Streets of Rage, Guardian Heroes, Double Dragon
Fighting Games: Any capcom or snk fighter really
Survival Horror: Fatal Frame, Silent Hill, Resident Evil
Classic stuff: Mario, Zelda, Contra, Megaman
You have a Sega Saturn, yet I do not see Panzer Dragoon Orta on your list.

Shadow redCoMet Staff
You have a Sega Saturn, yet I do not see Panzer Dragoon Orta on your list.

Lol but Orta is on the Xbox not Saturn :p.
I do have Orta though and Panzer Dragoon + PD Zwei for the Saturn.

I don't own Saga cause its too expensive....
Shadowhell55 wrote...
You have a Sega Saturn, yet I do not see Panzer Dragoon Orta on your list.

Lol but Orta is on the Xbox not Saturn :p.
I do have Orta though and Panzer Dragoon + PD Zwei for the Saturn.

I don't own Saga cause its too expensive....

Ah, Saga was the one I was referring to, sorry for the confusion.

It's a shame you don't have it, cause it's really hard to find, and the ones you do find are literally $500.
aznstoner wrote...
Shadowhell55 wrote...
You have a Sega Saturn, yet I do not see Panzer Dragoon Orta on your list.

Lol but Orta is on the Xbox not Saturn :p.
I do have Orta though and Panzer Dragoon + PD Zwei for the Saturn.

I don't own Saga cause its too expensive....

Ah, Saga was the one I was referring to, sorry for the confusion.

It's a shame you don't have it, cause it's really hard to find, and the ones you do find are literally $500.

really, i actually still have one and have played through it many times, but did not expect that i could still resell it for 500... interesting
What's up. Enjoy, Watch out for the welcome baskets.
what do you maen watch out for the welcome baskets if you mean the few that exploded that was an accident i misplaced my c4 and i found it when they exploded
Monster Girl
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