artcellrox wrote...
Well, glad to see someone's excited. Welcome to Fakku.
It's fine, you can tell us more. We're all "close" here. XD
Any other interests and hobbies, like music or whatever? And what do you look for in hentai mainly?
Also, what's a Harshman? :S
Thank You so much everyone(0>w<)0 *uses kitten method of cuddling* I know i said a few times already, but i am very happy to hear from you (●ï¼¾wï¼¾●)
@Artellrox, Thank You (*u*)
Oh!Okay!Well lets see i also like a draw, swim, play paintball (basically antything entertaining outside)except racket ball or football (i like tag football though),and DDR.
I have a lot of music tastes, but the majority of it is partial 80's, 90's, Asian Music, French Music and a tid bit of spanish. I like Techo, Reggae, Pop, Rock, and a little of old school R&B. (so long as i like the lyrics and beat, i listen to whatever)EXCEPT Rap music, i hate it with a passion.
(*//w//*) I am a HUGE Vanilla fan, but do you mean which kinds i like or what as far as the story, do i like?...if i may ask (0w0)
Ahhh and thus i realise my stupidity, i mean to say freshman in college and ended up stating the building instead.