How are you gentlemen !!

as you can seem from the obvious post count, im new here. i would like to say hello and i hope to enjoy these boards as much as i enjoy the rest of the site.

All your base are belong to us.
hello, nice to meet a fellow death note fan.

i see you like near. his puppets freaked me out.
masterpopo2 wrote...
hello, nice to meet a fellow death note fan.

i see you like near. his puppets freaked me out.

I don't "like" near, i AM him. Suprised yet? U are gonna be way more freaked out if u meet some of the guys here, :shock:
Nate River wrote...
masterpopo2 wrote...
hello, nice to meet a fellow death note fan.

i see you like near. his puppets freaked me out.

I don't "like" near, i AM him. Suprised yet? U are be way more freaked out if u see some of the guys here, :shock:

oh dear sweet jesus, the thought of near fapping... *shudders*

anyways, i'm not quite sure what else to do in an introduction thread.

i mean, i said hi...

i guess if youve been using the internet for more than a day you can tell i like the vidya games and some good ole' fashioned meme's.

and, in respone to the my being freaked out by the puppets, it wasnt some much the puppets themselve's, it was the way they were drawn. it just seemed like a sharp contrast to the rest of the way dn was animated.
Welcome to Fakku masterpopo2
What's up.......BEWARE!!..........................welcome baskets...............
hello to everyone here, i hope to enjoy the time here that i visit each day as much as ive enjoyed my first visit.

i enjoy baskets. you can put fruit in them and write it off as a being thoughtful.
masterpopo2 wrote...
hello to everyone here, i hope to enjoy the time here that i visit each day as much as ive enjoyed my first visit.

i enjoy baskets. you can put fruit in them and write it off as a being thoughtful.

You don't quite understand.......yet :twisted:
i soon hope that changes.

:shock: oh dear lord, i just realized how messed up i must be to want to expierience the twisted things im assuming happen here...
masterpopo2 wrote...
i soon hope that changes.

:shock: oh dear lord, i just realized how messed up i must be to want to expierience the twisted things im assuming happen here...

Nah, I'm just fuckin' with ya. Just having a little fun with your responses. Anyway enjoy.
darn... my hopes were truly up for a bit...

youve let me down.

i havent seen anything to give me shock eyes in quite a while, and i was hoping this was the place for it...
Well, okay then you asked for it. *hands masterpopo a basket with a pie*

Here ya go.........Don't ask what's in the pie. Trust me when I say you don't wanna know.
oh lovely a pie.

how does one pass on a tainted e-pie to their enemies?

oh the good this tainted pie could accomplish.

is it AIDS? or is it simply something that one of my cohorts is allergic to?

either way, thanks for the pie.
..............Kittens.....I told you not to ask.
a pie full of pussy...

i dont think that is going to do any harm at all...

unless they are rabid kittens.
Welcome to Fakku, masterpopo.
Hope you enjoy it here.
hi and welcome to FAKKU i am lfen and i am the creator of the basket trend *poses and stops* here is an 100% official FAKKU forum welcome basket
elfen lied wrote...
hi and welcome to FAKKU i am lfen and i am the creator of the basket trend *poses and stops* here is an 100% official FAKKU forum welcome basket

Hey, I was only warning him. But yeah, elfen gives out the baskets. Except to me!! *goes and sits in corner*

It's all good elfen, I forgive you.
Monster Girl
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