Hi there citizens of fakku I ItsComicKid i just turned 18 like 1 hour ago and said hey let me sign up for fakku! im not gonna bull shit you and say i did not use the site before this but I did. I have been creeping on fakku for about 3 years! I LIKE WRIGHTING IN ALL CAPS!I like All types of hentai and anime. Anime wise some of my favorites are ranma1/2, air gear, GTO, Golden Boy, Serkei, durarara, and Naruto. I enjoy sports gaming [xboxlive-St HOMICIDE] [steam/psn-ItsComicKid] [minecraft-comickid] fucking around with my girl friend and getting into various shenanigans. music i like every thing but country and screamo. But i look forward to "legitly" enjoying fakku and being apart of this community!