IT'S ME! (Who the hell are you!?)

Hello, I am the Wind Walker, and that leads to a number of things you can call me. Windy, the Wind, Mr. Walker, Walker Texas Ranger, Windman, Zephyr, TWW, WW, Mr. W, or Mr. T. Or if you fancy ridiculously large names, you could simply call me The Wind Walker. Better yet, my alternative alias is Sharzademar, and you may call me that if you so please.

After a paragraph of names I could be reffered to as, my intro ends.

Not really. There's more. (YAY!) :)

If you haven't put two and two together, I'll let in you on a little secret:

[size=8] I like hentai.[/h]
As shocking as that may seem, it's true. The reasons are many, but because of our short thirty minute time slot, I'll give you the summary. Hentai is somewhat of an escape from the cruel reality we all struggle with from time to time. The main aspect of this cruel reality that leads to watching hentai is repulsive porn stars. It's also escapism. Things happen in heantai that wouldn't and shouldn't happen in realty (well, most things shouldn't).

I love listening to classical music, and not for the sake of relaxation, but for the sake of experiencing pure genius. I aspire to become a music composer, and I am proficient at reading music. I am a singer, and have a range of E flat two below middle C to E flat above middle C, or a two octave range. I sing in choral ensembles, so I don't sing much contemporary music.

For the sake of remaining anonymous, I will not reveal my age, location, name, or any of that other stuff. But my credit card number is..... (JK!)
Why must I remain anonymous, you ask? It's simple. If I told you, I would have to kill you.

[size=8] So, my name is Joe and I live on Earth.[/h] YOU MUST DIE!!!

Although my manner of speaking may seem pretentious, it is actually one of the 42 ways I deal with becoming insane. (The second is making up bullshit numbers like 42.) And of course, 42 is the answer to life, the universe and everything. (If you don't understand, it's ok.)

I look forward to posting on the forums.
~ Sharzademar, The Wind Walker
Hi there

\\I didn't read what you said to long for an intro
Welcome to Fakku Wind Waker and Enjoy your stay.
Welcome Wind Walker, I hope all your posts are as entertaining as this one.
Welcome The Wind Waker! I hope to see you and your entertaining posts more often from now on!
Ah, finally a fellow in the brothership of ranty posts of randomosity.
Go ramsus! To the RP forum! And a warm welcome to you Wind Waker.
Hi there wind walker...
What was that again?
Hmm Mr. T......that gives me a vague idea of how you look like,but that doesn't matter does it?? welcome!!! FAP WITH EVERY SINGLE FIBER OF YOUR BIENG and you'll say "aaah"!!!
That's quite long for an introduction....

By the way welcome to the club :)
Monster Girl
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