tooge3 wrote...
Beginning your stay here with a demeaning start? Well, it's an intro thread, might as well express yourself a bit more. Favorite manga/games/anime/hobbies? Might as well make some penpals right?
Nonetheless, hoping your stay here will be long, enjoy our company.
I only really think my friends are people I know well irl, so I guess that means no one since I'm sheltered for the most part (not really, I just shut myself in cause outside life is depressing and scary).
But I get along well with my siblings, especially my older sister, cause we have lots in comon hehe.
But no worries there's still plenty of room for people to talk to online, because I enjoy chatting in the safety of my own room. Here, I can't be raped or molested because my brothers and sisters will protect me, here I'm safe.