new kid on the block.

actually, i hate new kids on the block, i just couldn't think up a better topic introducing sentence starter. that's the way it goes when you're unimaginative, tho, you just roll with the punches and play the cards you're dealt and whatever else motivational bs for your natural, unchangeable short-comings you can think of. personally, i blame this site, i have nothing but nekkid chicks in my head.

hi. i'm new here. it's nice to meet you. damn, the transition from lurker to non-lurker is like walking on fiery needles of death.

my interests are fairly uninteresting to others. i have an unnatural obsession with hentai, i have a completely natural obsession with boobs, i like baseball and, specifically, the angels, and girls. can't get enough of girls. girls are awesome. boobs, girls, and t.v. dictate my life.

i hate the beatles, hippies, the 60's, blink 182, the plain white t's and their delilah song, boston, the red sox, norcal, hyphy, san francisco, personal trainers, fat chicks who don't realize their fat, ugly chicks who think they're hot, environmentalists, peta, the doors, american idol, emo-ism, the ramones, iron man, the green party, hillary clinton, shakespeare, smileys, idaho, and various other things.

also, this here be's an awesome site. thankful, i be.

and that's that. good looking out, what it do, keep it free.

p.s. anybody here seen the invasion of the body snatchers remake with donald sutherland? that dog with the people head freaked the shit outta me. that and donald sutherland at the end pointing and screeching. pod people can kiss my ass.
Hi and welcome to FAKKU.

I do love your list of dislikes, we share a quite a few. ^_^ I hope your stay at FAKKU is long and... not difficult. The transition to a non-lurker is short, it's just the staying active bit. Good luck on not returning to a lurking state!
Donald Sutherland is generally a scary dude. Except in the M*A*S*H movie, when he was young and freakin' hot. But I digress.

Welcome. :D
Welcome, may the internets be with you.
vary nice intro:>. welcome to your new home:).
Well as all to the intro's welcome and let us take over the hentai world with Fakku!
Nice intro. Join us on irc, anyways welcome to fakku.
Monster Girl
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