@Jonny P. @yurixhentai @suki888 @Tyranosaurus_Secks
Than you for the welcome. :D
K.Epiren wrote...
Yo! Welcome to Fakku, where dreams come true.
Even those of NTR fans.
We encourage you to read the rules (which someone else will link), among other things. IB is still a threat to most newcomers, so enter at your own risk.
My question is: what's your favorite drawing/illustrating software?
Than you for the welcome, too. I will be sure to look out after that, thank you.
Answer: My favorite program for drawing and digital painting is Adobe Photoshop, CS6 currently. I know it isn't made specifically for drawing and painting but I like it the best.
«Synth» wrote...
An Art University, nice.
I myself am majoring in Art
Anyways, welcome to F! »
Sweet! Oh and actually, I don't go to an Art University. Just a state university. But one day! One day..
Than you for the welcome :D