Meet and Greet


[ Locked ] Introduction Guide This forum is a place where you can introduce yourself to the FAKKU community. Most users share the same interests so I encourage you to post some of the things you are interested in along with your i…


Hello everyone Hello everyone, I'm Cross/fade (nickname comes from transition effect where one scene fades-out and another fades-in) and I have been lurking Fakku for …
Hello ^_^ hello everybody im new here but i visit this site to read some hentai :)))))))))
AHOY! Hey, people! I'm the Professeur (it's an old nickname, and I spelled it the French way 'cause it looks and sounds awesome). I wanted to join Fakku! 'cause there's a lot of hot hentai and seemingly a l…
Lurker Out in the Open Hello I have been on this site for a while just reading all the hentai I could absorb and I saw the comments and the fourms which was almost as awesome as the material so I finally had the balls to ma…
newbie here!!!!!1!!1 ive been comming here for months and i just decited to join.out of all the other sites (or at least the many others ive been to)nothing compares to FAKKu !!!!!!1 anyways, i realy wanted to join becaus…
Hello my friends...... yes ummmm iv'e been a member of Fakku for sometime (1 year lol) anyways im here to say hi! anyways my name is davebloodstorm and YOU can ask me anything and by that i mean hentai wise also vanila dou…
late introduction. i guess i should have created this some time ago, but better late than never no? well whats to say. im a 18 year old guy. i am what society would call; an educated, 18 year old…
konnichiwa everyone!!!! Hello Fakku.Noob DCM here.
Tu Tu Ruu! I'm just another lurker that wants to say HI! I was lucky enough to sneak into the packed Fakku panel at AX. Maybe one of you saw me - I cosplayed as Rin Kagamine :P I plan on joining this year's pump…
Hi there It's been four years since I have been visiting fakku but I just decided to join the community. My name is Van and I'm pedobear follower. Nice to meet you all and looking forward to get al…
a little bit late, but hi everyone! :D Hello everyone! I am 18 years old perverted girl and I live in Norway :p I love to read vanilla,incest,pettanko hentais and my favourites so far is : Oniichan to wa Yobitakunai,Maku…
Hello, It is a pleasure to meet you. Thumbnail
Hello, It is a pleasure to meet you. I wish to introduce myself to all of you formally...(before I cut you open). Wait what was I, gomen. I don't know what that was. I just wish to live up to the expectations of the this forum and its ma…
Nyaaa~ Herro There! :3 Hello everybody! :D I'm a new ( actually no, I've been here for about 4 years.) member of this awesome community. I mainly use my iPod to search up stuff here and I've got a MAJOR fetish for Cat…
Greetings fellow fakku members My name is Tatsuo Mio I live in florida I'm new here. I like to play video games jus got skyrim and intend to play it all night long. I listen to all types of music. I play many sports like soccer, fo…
Why, hullo! Hey :D My "name" (not really) is Riho, and I am an 18 year old college student from New York. I'm a bisexual female, single, and I love hentai OwO Currently living with one roommate and st…
Hi Hi Hey, I just created a profile. I've been on Fakku for a while but I thought I would make a profile 'cause it seems like fun :D
Hello I'm Ota Hey guys my name is otaku_4_U ( Ota for short) and I'm a 19 year old kid who hates his life and finds comfort in submersing himself in alternate realities ie. Anime, hentai, music, movies and pretty m…
Greetings,everyone. Hye,My name is Zaki a.k.a JokerFight.Hope to have some fun here. Nice to meet you guys.Just call me Joker or Zaki, I don't mind.
Never introduced myself yet I've had my account for over a year and only used it to comment hentai and recently of last week I came to the forums I recently post a few topics already. So let's get this started my name is Orlando…
I came for the pretty colors... and stayed for da hentaiz 8D But at any rate...hello! ^^ new person here! you can all adress me as Spawn, or Spawnie, Daddy...What have you... >.> Great to be here!…